Wednesday, September 30, 2009

le theatre

Walked out of the theatre after practice today camera in hand. I was ready. For what? I have no idea. But this is what I shot. When I have more time I'll edit the fricken sign out of the background cause it makes me mad... But this is my new home. The Evan and Evelyn Anderson Theatre. Yay!


Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Christ Chapel

Well... I pulled out my real camera tonight. YAY! This is all I got though before I froze...

I need my tripod.


Monday, September 28, 2009


So, they always say winters are brutal here. And you always know that they will be, and you say they will be but you never really grasp the concept of how brutal they will be until it starts getting windy. It was SO WINDY here today. It wasn't even that cold but the wind made it way worse. And I know the rest of the state is windy... In St. Peter the winds were at about 40mph. But the thing is, GAC may be in St. Peter, but its not on the same level as the rest of the town. Its on a hill. With very little protection from wind. So we are guessing that the gusts here were about 50mph. It was rough. So yeah, now I know first hand its gonna be a brutal winter... Not exactly looking forward to that.


Sunday, September 27, 2009

Visits! Electronically...

200 days. Wow. Thats a lot. Anyway, my PIC was gonna come visit me today but he got pneumonia (boo) so we have been chatting on skype for a total of 2:17:00 right now. But in total its been about 3 hours. Even when we aren't talking its fun having him there. Its like he is here visiting anyway. He takes part in conversations, meets my new friends, etc. Yay for skype!


Saturday, September 26, 2009


I have no ideas for a creative title on this one...

Football game today! We played St. Johns. We got owned... thats all.

Day of visitors. SB came down for the afternoon/evening. We had lots of fun. It was great to see her again. I missed her. LOTS. Then the second SB left MB pulled in. She is here for the weekend. Its been fun.


p.s. going through theatre withdrawal... and its only been 2 days without rehearsal... thats not a good sign.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Band photo.

Well, we were having another one of our homework/computer parties tonight and I got bored with homework, realized I hadn't taken a picture, and asked those around me to join me in Photobooth. So here is HD and AR. We decided this picture looked like a band photo, so thats what it is now... if we ever start a band... which most likely won't happen. But you never know.


Wednesday, September 23, 2009


I totally creeped hard core to get this picture. Well, kinda. Anyway, here is a shot from rehearsal for the fall show here, Far Away. The leads, S and K, were in the middle of making hats. Its an odd show. But I've learned to love it.


Tuesday, September 22, 2009


I had a good day. A real good day. RP came home from cali yesterday and he brought me a present. =] It made me happy. He sent me a text asking me what my favorite color is and so I told him yellow. And this is what he brought me back. Its a magnet that now lives on my fridge in my dorm. Its awesome. Off to the nightly TrueBlood screening.


Monday, September 21, 2009

Stage Management

Well, today I was walking to talk to MM, my advisor for the fall show here, but he wasn't in his office. Boo. So when I was walking out I saw our newly posted calendar. Under almost every day was some funny comment. This was my favorite (though it was hard to pick) and this is why I love my stage manager for this show. He is an actor who is stage managing for credit for his major. Which makes this all the better. Through the ever constant war of which side is better --acting or tech-- we techies legit racked up some points for this one. (p.s. dry tech is the same thing as paper tech for you Tonka peeps). Its been a good day. Now... on to homework. Woo...


Sunday, September 20, 2009

The second weekend

Ok its actually my third weekend here but the first was so busy and planned for us that it feels like a second weekend. Anyway, here is the weekend in a nutshell! (p.s. Friday is the last picture. Sunday is the first).

Second day of camping. We woke up and walked to the field we star gazed in. There were some boy scouts there playing hide and seek so the guys decided to jump in and play. Good spot, huh? We did a bunch of hiking too. EPIC view. I'm for sure going back.

Off to Taylors Falls for our camping trip! Our class, Evolution in Hawai`i, went for the night to study geology. We had a great group in our van (we now call ourselves the van clan). This is LM. She is from Hawai`i (she has taught me to do things like add the accent in Hawai`i and say slippers instead of flip flops, among other words that are different). Day one of the trip. Drive there. Set up camp. Cook burgers over the fire. Star gaze. Let me tell you. Star gazing with no light pollution AT ALL is EPIC. I'd never seen so many stars (add in the milky way and jupiter plus two kids who are in astronomy and you got yourself quite a star gazing night).

Went to the Twins game. We won 3-0. Twas epic. And a lot of fun. Then came back and watched Hercules with MKK. Also lots of fun. Nothin like a good Disney movie. =]


Thursday, September 17, 2009


Remember the furniture war... yeah. Well, I opened my door this morning to find this. The furniture from EVERY section in the building. There was a LOT of furniture. It was covered in silly string, as were the bathrooms. It was a mess. But well played. We are plotting revenge. Then tonight some of the girls in our section made animal signs of the animals we look like (I look like a seal apparently...) It was a GREAT night. I even managed to get most of my homework done. =]. Here are two pictures. I couldn't decide which to post. So its a bonus day. WOO.


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

True Blood

Sorry for the lame picture... I'm sitting in my neighbors room watching True Blood right now (its addicting...) and I realized I hadn't taken a picture yet. So.. this is what you get. =]


Tuesday, September 15, 2009


I made a spontaneous (kinda) trip to Tonka today to see my PIC. The reason? Long story. But either way it was good to see him. I had the idea of this picture in my head for a while now. I listened to the song (Your Hand in Mine) and it kinda came to me. But this isn't how I pictured it. So I'll attempt again later. But for now, it works.



While getting breakfast yesterday morning I decided to grab a vitamin water (cause the drinking water here is nasty... it takes like licking a metal pole) So I was looking for a new kind to try and I found this one. Peach-Mandarin. Sounded good. And let me tell you. It is good. It was also fitting. After doing hours upon hours of homework each day, we all need a little time to recoup.


Sunday, September 13, 2009

Stars and Planets

Well this my friends is Jupiter. Yup, the planet Jupiter. I made friends with the people who run the Observatory on campus. They have this thing that attaches your camera to the telescope. Its intense. If I had more time I would have played with it more but this was taken around 10pm and I wanted to come back to sleep. (Its been a long ...long... day) So I'll go back eventually and play around more. But for now, Jupiter.


Its war.

WOO I am now officially 2 days past the half way mark. Yay!
So long story short. The guys in 3H stole our furniture from our section and we wanted it back (cause otherwise we have nothing to sit on...). So we trekked over around 9:30 to get it back. Here is some of the girls taking the couch back. 3H's CF was trying to stop us... but failed. Though he did declare war on us. We totally have our couch back now though and its awesome. I then went to Angels and Demons (good movie) then came back and hung with some people from the section and select others. It was an epic night.


Saturday, September 12, 2009


Well, my work in the theatre here at GAC started up yesterday. I spent a total of about 7 hours helping with auditions and let me tell you... I didn't do much. Theatre is gonna take over my life here. I can tell already. Anyway, here is a shelf of scripts and monologue books from the theatre office.


Thursday, September 10, 2009

college life

Again... no time for pictures today. I spent over 4 hours doing laundry over 7 hours doing homework (and I'm still not done...) so... I just took a picture of our door! On our door are our signs for the section and orientation group and our white board. Complete with inside joke (gangst) and note from RP. I talked to him a ton before we came here and I haven't hardly seen him since we got here... so he stopped by but I was showering. So I will get to hunt him down tomorrow...

I have no time to take pictures anymore. So here is sunset from my window... pardon the screen.

p.s. I made flickr blog two days ago. It was quite the accomplishment. =] Yay me!


Tuesday, September 8, 2009

So it begins...

Well... classes started today. Meh. They actually weren't that bad but I do have a decent amount of homework already. Luckily I've been making headway in that for the past hour or so. This is a picture of me and what is basically my boyfriend. I have a crap ton of Astronomy reading this semester. About 3ish chapters a week (about 75 or so pages) plus notes, labs, and online quizzes... So I will be spending a good amount of time with this book. Good ol class. Other than class all I did today was play ultimate. We do that a lot here.

Back to homework...

Monday, September 7, 2009

Killing time...

Today was a lot more chill than my other days here. I had my last orientation group. Then went to lunch. Then went to my FTS (first term seminar) meeting. Got my first assignment. School starts tomorrow... but its decently easy and I finished half of it. Then I went to the back to school bash with some of the girls in my section. After that I had lots and lots of down time so KN and I skyped for a good half hour. Its a great way to kill time. We had some fun. =] Then I hung with girls in the section. We had a computer party out in our lounge area. Then I went up a floor and hung out with some people up there, then back down to my section. It was a fun day.

Class tomorrow. Eek.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

End of the world

Well today was another decently busy day. I started the day with more orientation stuff. Then some of us went out and played a game of ultimate with other random Gusties. Our team won. Not that I did a whole lot. Some of the people on my team are crazy like they played on high school and or national teams. Then lunch, then some survey, then a book discussion, then a scavenger hunt (which is where the picture comes from) This is AC, a kid in my group. He is checking out the end of the world. If you sit in the right spot it looks like you are standing on a building. Its kinda sweet. But our hunt failed. Then I went to dinner, then to a sweet skit show by the theatre group here (I am, we are). It was intense and super deep. Then we discussed it then I went to play bingo then came back and went to E and A's room to watch John Tucker Must Die with some girls in our section, then came back to my room to hear JA's audition song for The Scarlet Pimpernel at Tonka. And I am now taking to my PIC who I haven't talked to in ages. So yeah... luckily tomorrow is less busy. It is the last day of summer after all.. (wow, thats sad)


Saturday, September 5, 2009

Full day #1

And let me tell you... it was a BUSY day. From the time I got up to now this is what occured: breakfast, orientation, tour, ultimate frisbee practice/talking to new people, lunch, orientation skits (hilarious), ice cream social at President Ohle's house, theatre meeting, theatre scholarship meeting, semi-formal President's dinner (yay for free food!), square dance, change for superhero dance, hang with new friends, superhero dance, shower, posting this. It was the most full day ever. I'm EXHAUSTED. And therefore am going to bed. Here is AR playing some Super Smash Bros.


p.s. this whole picture thing is challenging here. So I apologize in advanced if my pictures go downhill for a while.

Friday, September 4, 2009


Well, I made it! And its AMAZING. I've met so many people that I absolutely LOVE and I finally met the people I have been talking to online all summer which was so much fun. And they are so so so nice. I got my room all set up (pictured here) walked around campus with a group of people from my building, went to a hypnotist which was HILARIOUS, and spent some time with my section-mates. But now I need sleep, full day tomorrow. =]


Thursday, September 3, 2009

Last day

Today was officially my last day in Tonka. I went to breakfast with EK, NK, and my bro. Then came home and finished packing while DN and SB came and hung out. Then JW stopped by. Then KN stopped by. Then my PIC came over and hung out for a while while I finished final packing and got ready for tomorrow. We then chilled for the rest of the night watching How I Met Your Mother. DH stopped by for a while too. I'll miss all those guys. A lot. Maybe tomorrow you will get a picture of my room... or something. =]


GAC countdown: 8 hours.

Pool Party

I spend the first part of the day packing. So, most everything is packed now except for clothes. Which is exciting. Then AT and MK came over and we watched 17 Again and Rent while eating lunchables (cause we haven't had them in years). Then I went to JW's house for a party. We found this car ramp thing set up by the pool and it kept us entertained for a good amount of time.


Tuesday, September 1, 2009

it never ends...

I threw a bonfire tonight after hanging out with DN all day. It was a great night. And an above par social gathering (as my PIC and I were trying to think up ways that we could say it was a good party). I'll really miss the people here. Lots of goodbyes tonight. I swear they never end. Till Friday... 3 days =]
