Monday, January 18, 2010

So... heres the deal

I got really lazy over the weekend... so here are the updates!

Graphic Design class. WOO. I love it. I spent about 5 hours on this today. For fun... it won't be used for anything. But I had fun doing it. And I plan on finishing it too. (As in putting in dates and times of when Dance in the Arb is..)

This is my "I'm half asleep and I just realized I haven't taken a picture yet" face. So here is me... half asleep.

Spent the day watching Princess Bride with AA. (Funny I have a friend AA and a friend BB. I'm waiting for a CC...). It was really fun. Then I colored for a while. Then the section went to Where the Wild Things Are. It was ok. I don't know if I would see it again though.

I went to BE's house tonight. We watched (500) Days of Summer and just hung out. It was really fun. We are an odd bunch.

Its baaaaaaacck. Yes, SF finally found a poster of her most favorite show ever. Life is good.


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