Monday, February 8, 2010

The cosmos

While waiting for our food to digest at dinner before going to work out. CS and HK whipped out their latest Cosmo issue and started reading. It was amusing. First day recap: Stats- should be ok. Lots of Excel work which will be nice to learn. Macro- gonna be rough. But I feel like it will be a nice thing to learn and know. And I need it for my major... Myth and Meaning- PUMPED. A class about myths. Doesn't get much better. Arts Management- so epic. BB is in it along with some other theatre friends and its taught by MM our tech director and we love him. So much so BB and I even brought him an apple for the first day of class (cause we are suck ups like that. I'm sure MM thought we were crazy).
Bed time... I gotta get used to this whole getting up before 9 thing.

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