Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Touring Week

Hello all! I am now on touring week. Its basically a week off of school between j-term and spring semester. Sorry I got lazy and didn't update. But here ya go!

I spent most of my Monday watching Friends. Then went spinning with mother. It was rough. Then I went to KN's house to hang out with her cause she is home this week too. It was good catching up with her. On my way there I stopped at the Arts Center to visit PH. I love the arts center.

Went to Avatar again. Again. Seen it 3 times now. Yay me! It was still good.

Back in Tonka for touring break. HR came over for a bit and we just did some catching up. He found this pot quite amusing.

GIRLS NIGHT! Most people had gone home by now so those of us left had a girls night, ate good food, and watched Friends then had a sleepover in HK's room. None of us wanted to be in a picture since we were all in sweats and not in a good place for pictures, so here was the set up of the evening.

Thursday night was our section party. Some of us first went to the Forensics showcase. We have an AMAZING speech team. For movie night we watched Just Friends and munched on some frost your owns and chips and guac from Chipotle. SO GOOD. Here is SF and EAR (who was working on her knitting).


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