Sunday, February 7, 2010

les fetes

It was a weekend of parties in our house this weekend.

Once my friends from school left Saturday morning I headed over to Benilde St. Margarets to watch Tonka compete in the one act competition. They did a show called Patient A, all about AIDS and the story of Kimberly Bergalis. It was really good. It was a close competition but Tonka once again claimed 1st for the third year in a row and they are all headed to state come Thursday. I wish them all luck. I then came home and decided my picture should be one act based so I took a picture of an old 1st place medal from a one act a few years ago (and the certificate in the background).

*bonus picture* My parents had a party with a bunch of friends. I was summoned from my room to take a picture.

I had some of the section girls over on Friday, then we all ventured off to EP to see Dear John (which was ok, but the book was way better). After the movie I took SF, NG, and HD to Excelsior (mostly because NG had never been there) and we walked around the town and on the frozen lake. NG and SF were quite amused by these signs.


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