Sunday, November 8, 2009

Closing weekend.

We put up some New Moon posters in our section today. They. Are. Hot. Here is a picture of AP and SF... and Taylor Lautner.

CLOSING! The show is done. Finally. (Though secretly, I miss it). The final show went well, strike was terrible. My hands look like they were eaten by a lawn mower cause of the fricken staples we had to pull... The cast party was amazingly fun. I won a Tony award (awards the seniors give out every show) for "The Artistic Hand" award. I won thanks to the pictures of the show I took and the doodles I draw backstage. I was also initiated into the theatre by the people who live in the theatre house. I swore to "take away all stage management opportunities from actors." Seems easy enough. Aaaand. I kinda want to live in the Peterson house one year (thats the theatre house). It was a fun night. Here is a picture from the party. I didn't take very many, and this isn't the best one, but its all good. Here is EB, AA and myself.


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