Saturday, November 21, 2009

New Horizons

Here is part of my monologue. I interviewed my high school director, wrote this, and have to perform it for an audience on Saturday (as I'm typing this... about 6 hours) I'm kinda freaking out about it, but oh well... wish me luck!

If you can't tell by this picture... I was running out of time. But peppermint bark is my favorite. I always get some during the christmas season (even if it hasn't been thanksgiving yet...)

Photo call. =] I got some decent pictures out of this day. This is also one of my favorite numbers. (Its just a great show overall).

Last day of tech. I ran around with my camera getting some test shots for photo call. This one reminds me a lot of the dance shoot I did with my PIC and KN a while back. But its my favorite number in the whole show. And I just struggled photo wise that day.


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