Sunday, October 11, 2009

Homecoming 2009

First homecoming weekend here at GAC! You know the drill by now, Friday is last, Sunday first.
Beat 'em, bust 'em. (Thats our custom). Gusties will shine!

Didn't do much today. Just homework... So during a homework break I decided to organize my script (finally... it was really starting to bug me) then, just for fun, I switched out the filters on my camera to my blue one and took some pictures. So yeah... besides the text, this photo is straight from the camera.

GAME DAY! We actually won. Though I left in the middle cause it was SO COLD. (There was snow on the ground when I woke up...) But this is the only picture I took. (featured in this is HD and NG). Went to a magician at night. CRAZY good. Then came back and just hung with the girls.

Friday was coronation and variety show. It was amazing. We almost didn't go, but I'm so glad we did. Here is the SAE frat doing a "harder better faster stronger" dance. It was impressive. The two people I knew up for King/Queen didn't win. But thats ok. Its still exciting that I actually know people on court after only being here for a month. After the show we watched the Hannah Montana movie, and laughed at it the whole time. (It was terrible, don't waste your time).


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