Sunday, December 20, 2009

First semester. Check!

I am officially 1/8 done with college. Crazy right. I figured since I'm home now I should update. So here ya go!

#281 (plus 2)
Happy 16th Birthday bro! In order to celebrate some of his friends and some of my friends came over to board/ski outside. It was a fun night. (I added a few pictures to make up for my laziness and my missing a day)

I'm in the hood. (ha.) I'm BAAAAAACK. In Tonka, that is.

So.... I know I deserve a lot of crap for this because I gave my PIC a LOT of crap. But I missed today. =/ I was NOT pleased when I realized that I did. I apologize.

No class today! Lots and lots of studying though... So we found little things very amusing.

So we have a decorating contest at school. This is how we decorated. We like lights. If you couldn't tell. We didn't win though. =[

Our room got christmasifyed. It looks awesome. I love christmas lights.

As a study break we sat and made snowflakes. These are INTENSE snowflakes. But so much fun to make.

Went out to take some pictures today. I had fun playing with bokeh and Christ Chapel.

So, we have a hot guy wall in our section. JC was hanging out and he felt like he should be on the wall... so we had a little photo shoot. Yes, this picture will ultimately make it on the wall.

Here was another, "crap I need a picture day" SF likes to jump in on days like that.

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