Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Oh what a week..

Here are the updates... I basically fail at life for getting pictures up on time now.

SNOW! We had a snow day today =] Well, more like the campus was shut down till 11:30 so I still had class at 1:30 but hey, I got to sleep till 9:30 so I'm not complaining. I then spent the whole afternoon in the library doing nothing (though I did take this picture from there). It was great. Now our section is having a movie/secret santa party =]

I went down to the wellness house today (BB's house) (it has an official name but I could never spell it so I'm not gonna try). I took their christmas picture and it was a great experience. I then spent too much time editing it and learning how to use photoshop. It also started hard core snowing while I was walking down to their house... that was fun. (BB you once again are my picture of the day!! Cause I know you are reading this).

DECORATIONS! We spent the day decorating our section, well the evening, and we only started. But we had a good time. Here is AP with her santa hat. She is adorable. Thats all. And our section is starting to look GOOOOOD.

C in CC!!! (aka christmas in christ chapel). Most amazing experience of my life. Legit. I almost walked out crying I was so blown away. Then Gustavus Choir was singing outside after the show and it reminded me of singing Choral Benediction with the theatre people and.. well.. all in all it was an emotional night. (Yes, mom. Its true). p.s. notice the very tall person standing in front of me...

When I got back to school my ex-PIC wanted to see a poster for the next show here at GAC because I LOVE it. So here it is. I'm going to the show tomorrow and I'm SO excited!!

IN THE HEIGHTS! Went with my ex-PIC and DN. Then saw a ton of people there. Not the same as seeing it on broadway with the original cast. But still amazing.


  1. The "ORP" theatre needs to spend some money on new light bulbs.

  2. or she could take the picture when they are all on :] haha
