Monday, December 28, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Here is part one of my break! I hope you all had a great Christmas.

Movie #2. No, not the Prince of Persia. The Princess and the Frog. =] But I do want to see this movie (also by Disney). I'm going through a Disney phase right now. =]

Wow, lame picture. I went sledding and even had a camera in my pocket. Just failed to take a picture. I was going through this after sledding... school semester 1 in notebooks and papers. Woo.

I started my movie marathon. We went to see Avatar but it was sold out so we went to Invictus. SO GOOD. I recommend it.

CHRISTMAS! I hit the jackpot in my own personal opinion. Moosejaw, North Face, Disney, Converse. Can't complain.

After Christmas eve with the Grossmann family, the bro and I did a board/photo sesh in the new snow. With the new jump. =] Too bad the camera didn't like to focus for me...

SNOW! Snow storm of '09 hit. I quickly learned to love 4 wheel drive in the truck. Excel looked SUPER pretty in the snow.

My dad likes christmas lights. A lot. (Though, I do too). I was running to find something to take a picture of and I saw this out the kitchen window. Woo!

COOKIES! I went cookie CRAZY. I probably made over 50 cookies in the span of about 4 hours. Plus a batch of chex mix. It was insane. And they were goooooooooood.

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