Wednesday, March 10, 2010


three hundred and sixty-five.

Well, here it is. My final picture.
Looking back on the past year, and this project, most people do it to improve their photo skill. I wish I had the time to have done that through this. But I am happy with how it all turned out. It was a big year for me. Senior show, graduation, becoming an "adult," moving to St. Peter, college. This project became more of a way of documenting that year and its nice to have a way to look back on it all. I had no idea what to do for a picture today, but I kinda like this one. Its a pretty good representation of the friends I have here, odd, quirky, weird. Amazing. So I figured I would end with a picture of them (most of them). This way, you kinda know what I will be doing for the rest of my life (or until I decide to do another blog). I'll be with these crazy kids. That is, when I'm not in the theatre. Which I am now. And therefore I should focus... it is a rehearsal and all.

Signing off

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


#(yes, I failed AGAIN. Even on my "recount" yesterday should have been 363) THREE HUNDRED AND SIXTY FOUR.

I checked my mail today, and this was the only thing in there. Its my invite to our Mafia party next weekend. You have no idea how excited I am to dress up like Al Pacino. Its gonna be an awesome time. And look at this. You even get a semi-decent picture out of the deal. I have NO IDEA what I'm gonna do for tomorrows picture... wish me luck.

Monday, March 8, 2010


#whatever.. the count is off. Technically this should be 362, so I'm going with that.

Sorry for the boring picture. After a full day of class, going straight from class to dinner, then from dinner to rehearsal till ten I didn't have much homework time. So here is a shot of me scrambling to get some Stats for Econ/Management done. (I didn't. Luckily it's not due till Wednesday).
Better picture tomorrow. Promise.

Sunday, March 7, 2010


As the last weekend for my blog, this one pretty much rocked.
I'm still puzzled on the counting thing because I started last year March 10th, yet as far as my counting goes I will have only done 361 pictures. So I think I miscounted. But I'm stopping Wednesday either way...
only 3 more. CRAZY.

Today was such an adventure. Started out with breakfast at BC's house with him and AC. French toast. SO GOOD. Then AP, JC, and NG picked me up from his house to go to HK's ice show in New Ulm. She is AMAZING at skating. Don't let her tell you anything different. On our way back we decided to stop and see Hermann the German (pictured above with J) and we got one of the best quotes of the day. J: "So is Hermann Norwegian or something..." A:"Hes German you idiot" and yes, this was legit. Not sarcastic. We also stopped at J drive because it was a street with J's name. So we took pictures there. Then we got back to GAC, went to dinner, and then I went to AB's building with costume shop people and a few others to watch the Oscars. All in all an awesomely fun filled day.

I call today BB and LG(thats me)'s day of theatre fun. We met at our theatre around 11:30. Drove to B's house to eat some amazing cookies. Then went to Urinetown at Normandale to compare it to ours. (Ours was better if you ask me. And no, I'm not being biased). Went back to B's for a delicious home cooked dinner. Then went to Far Away at Hamline (again, to compare, and again, ours was better). Then we drove back to St. Peter while belting Urinetown songs and select others. It was such a fun day.

Chill Friday. Had dinner with the girls (MC and HD pictured here). They all went to LineUs while I went to Arabian rehearsal. After rehearsal I went to BB's house with a good portion of the cast (and others) for a scattregories night. So much fun.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

And exhale.

Busiest 5 days ever. I feel like I say that a lot. But it really was. Here is the past (almost) week.
p.s. for some reason I feel like this isn't adding up right... I think I missed counting somewhere...
technically I only have ONE MORE WEEK.

So both Tonka and Gustavus were playing HUGE hockey games last night. Tonka won 7-2. GAC lost 1-2 in overtime. We had a gold out and EAR was most definitely gold. I got past all my tests and papers today and therefore I can breathe again. Yay!

Crazy how in one day the stage can go from Urinetown to Arabian Nights. Yes, I know this is two days later... but the stage looked like this on Monday too. I just forgot to take a picture of it.

So, I was doing homework, and these guys walked by. Freaked me out a little bit. But kinda awesome at the same time. Arabian started today. Its gonna be SO. AWESOME. I can't even tell you.

Closing Day. So sad. The troop from Tonka came to see the show. It was good to see them all. Then we did strike and had one final dinner together in the caf as a cast (and crew...) Here is BE and myself.

PROM!! We had our cast party tonight. It was prom themed. And the theme of the prom was "toxic" complete with green lime sherbert, a green carpet (as opposed to a red carpet), and a dry ice fountain. It was AWESOME. Also, my section saw the show tonight. I was glad they all liked it. Here are BB and KB "doing experiments" at the photo spot. Nicest two people you will ever meet.

Photo call for Urinetown! I got some awesome pictures (at least I think so...). It was an intense show BB (the cop on the left) got hit with his mag light, started gushing blood onstage. Luckily it was right before intermission so we got him cleaned up then he finished the show, and photo call, and went to the hospital to get 5 stitches above his eye. What a trooper.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Wait a minute.

Hi friends,
It's been a CRAZY weekend here. Shows. Visitors. Closing. Strike. Homework. It's been hard trying to find time for it all. But I have pictures! Fun ones too =] They are coming, and SOON! Hopefully today (Monday). Though it may not be till after my 3 exams and paper on Wednesday. Gosh dang this school business....
Hope you all had a great weekend! I know I did.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Oh, Pick-up rehearsals.

While wandering around the theatre today I found the blueprints of our theatre. I also found the blueprints of St. Olaf theatre. So now I can always creep on KN. =] Also, pick up rehearsal today.. most interesting moments of my life. So. Much. Fun.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Post Secret

Here on campus we have a post secret wall (if you don't know what post secret is check it out here). I saw this one and took a picture to send to all my skater friends. Today was the one day I had off this week. Homework catch up day.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


ARABIAN STARTED TODAY! We had our first read through. It was awesome. I'm pumped to work on it. I was gonna take a picture at the read through, then got too wrapped up in listening so I forgot. After practice I started cracking down on my macro homework.. so. many. graphs. Here is a small portion of the several I did. Yay economics... >_<

Monday, February 22, 2010

Date night!

I had date night with KB tonight. MUCHO fun. We watched Mamma Mia because we had been singing it all week during tech and shows. Though we talked during it more than watched it. It was a good time. Sorry for the boring picture. I totally forgot to take one till late.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Wardrobe Women.

Pre-show and during the show I spend my time with these two lovely ladies. AB and BE. We have some good times. They are the costume people. They have some mad skills in the sewing department. And I love them. Very much. (which is a quote from the show...)

Saturday, February 20, 2010


Since we opened... I'm done with Urinetown quotes.

While waiting for the trap door scene I explored our costume stock. Its a CREEPY long tunnel (thats part of the schools old tunnel systems... I think) and the costumes are all lined up. Its CRAZY. Someday I will explore. Tonights show, not so good... but still fun.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Back in the good ol days

"This is Urinetown! Always it's been Urinetown! This place, it's called Urinetown! That was our show."

After opening night (which went awesome) we had a cast party at the theatre house. Oregon Trail themed. It was tough to pull together a costume. Here is BB and CM chillin.

Thursday, February 18, 2010


"Why did I listen to that man? Why did I listen to the nature of his plan? And when he talked I should have balked I should have walked I should have ran!"

This is BP. He designed the set for Urinetown. I took his picture for the design board out in the lobby. He has some skill. Tonight was preview. We had an audience of about 20 and it was AWESOME.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


"You're stepping up to where it's sunny. Step on the poor! Don't be the bunny!"

My cast photo project. Finally done. Yay me! And BB for coming up with the most kick ass idea ever.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Stop and smell the [tulips]

"Tell her I love her. Tell her I'll always be with her and I will see her in a better place where hope is always new."

They were giving out flowers for P-ball (presidents ball) promotion today. So, of course, I grabbed one. Tech was LONG today. Or maybe I'm just getting more and more tired. Which is the more probable cause. Its been a long, trying week. And its only Tuesday. What?!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Mr. Strong

"You are wrong, Mister Strong, you and your socialistic throng. If the people pee for free they'll push the system to the brink. If today there's spillage tell us how tomorrow will not stink!"

Took the last of the cast photos today. This one was thrown out but I kinda liked how it turned out so I just edited it. This is RB. a.k.a. Bobby Strong. I may have mentioned that before. After I took this he ran off with my camera and took the following picture which I love. At least I think it was him. Otherwise props to whoever it was.


Sunday, February 14, 2010

It's a trap!

"Follow, into the open air. Far from squalor and noise. Follow, someone is waiting there. Someone who shares all your hopes and your joys"

Yes. We have a trap system. And instead of me typing the description. I'll just show you =]

Kinda makes you want to come see the show, huh?

Saturday, February 13, 2010


"It's a privilege to pee. Water's worth its weight in gold these days. No more bathrooms like in olden days. You come here and pay a fee, for the privilege to pee"

The cast of Urinetown! Well... most of it. BB is working on the display cases in the lobby so I helped her out today by taking pictures of the cast and editing them. So its gonna have an Andy Warhol type feel to it. Its turning out kinda awesome, I think.

p.s. Did I mention its tech week... if you haven't noticed yet.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Baby lights!

"Look at the sky! There's a great big heart there. There's a heart in the sky, there just is, don't as why, it's the sky."

There is your Urinetown quote for the day. During dry tech today I did nothing but run a fog machine twice and learn about our trap system. Fun stuff... I did get some homework done though so that was good. While turning on the fogger I saw these lights. They are about 8 inches tall. SO CUTE. They don't look that small in this picture. But they are. All day rehearsal tomorrow. I need sleep to prepare for this...

What IS Urinetown?!

"What is Urinetown? Urinetown's the end! A swift and brutal punishment no need now to pretend."

Saw the crew view last night (Thursday). Act one was struggling a little bit but act two kicked some ass. I found out I will be running a fog machine and a trap door through the show. So I won't have that much to do... which could be either good or bad. I have yet to find out. But either way, I'm a fan. You (at least those of you coming) will hopefully enjoy it. =]

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

shopping anyone?

I'm officially running out of things to take pictures of in my room. Going back to graphic design. I designed this shopping bag for a store I created called Lotus. I got 20/20 on this. =] Yay me!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Overload of awesomeness

Oh. My. God. What a day. My 9 am class was cancelled due to snow. So I stayed in this morning and watched Friends. Then went to my 1030 am. Had lunch with the entire section which never happens at lunch. Saw some people that I haven't seen in a LONG time. Walking back to the dorm (cause I was done with class by 1120) we had HUGE snowbanks so HK decided to scale one. It was epic. Then I did homework, got ahead in almost all my classes cause I know I'll fall behind during tech week (which starts in 2 days). So yeah. Three cheers for a good day!

Monday, February 8, 2010

The cosmos

While waiting for our food to digest at dinner before going to work out. CS and HK whipped out their latest Cosmo issue and started reading. It was amusing. First day recap: Stats- should be ok. Lots of Excel work which will be nice to learn. Macro- gonna be rough. But I feel like it will be a nice thing to learn and know. And I need it for my major... Myth and Meaning- PUMPED. A class about myths. Doesn't get much better. Arts Management- so epic. BB is in it along with some other theatre friends and its taught by MM our tech director and we love him. So much so BB and I even brought him an apple for the first day of class (cause we are suck ups like that. I'm sure MM thought we were crazy).
Bed time... I gotta get used to this whole getting up before 9 thing.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Supa Bowl

I honestly was all for the Colts winning. But now that the Saints won, I really don't care... So yay to the Saints! Back at school. Spring semester starts tomorrow. I'm taking Macroeconomics, Stats for Econ and Management, Myth and Meaning, and Arts Management. Its gonna be a load but I'll deal with it. Here is NG and MC. New Moon is our on campus movie this weekend and the section is quite excited. Though I will not be able to go due to the fact Urinetown tech starts this weekend. (yay!)

les fetes

It was a weekend of parties in our house this weekend.

Once my friends from school left Saturday morning I headed over to Benilde St. Margarets to watch Tonka compete in the one act competition. They did a show called Patient A, all about AIDS and the story of Kimberly Bergalis. It was really good. It was a close competition but Tonka once again claimed 1st for the third year in a row and they are all headed to state come Thursday. I wish them all luck. I then came home and decided my picture should be one act based so I took a picture of an old 1st place medal from a one act a few years ago (and the certificate in the background).

*bonus picture* My parents had a party with a bunch of friends. I was summoned from my room to take a picture.

I had some of the section girls over on Friday, then we all ventured off to EP to see Dear John (which was ok, but the book was way better). After the movie I took SF, NG, and HD to Excelsior (mostly because NG had never been there) and we walked around the town and on the frozen lake. NG and SF were quite amused by these signs.


Thursday, February 4, 2010


Today was fun. AA came over to watch a movie. I went to JL's to catch up. Then to DN's to watch Grey's Anatomy and to steal Friends season 7. Why? Cause its the season with Tag. I love Eddie Cahill. I'm lazy. Again... heres me! yay!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Going back to [not] my high school

I went to my high school today. Though, after the construction, it does NOT look like my high school. Its soooo different. And its nice but I don't know how I feel about high school kids not paying 40,000 dollars a year having a nicer student union than I do. And I (and my parents) are paying a LOT of money. Anyway... Had a lovely family dinner with my PIC's family tonight. Good times.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


So, I started cleaning my room tonight after a lovely mother/daughter date to Leap Year with SF and her mom. While cleaning I found my old film camera. First camera I ever owned. And it has half a used roll of film in it. You have NO IDEA how curious I am to see what it is... Also, its a Canon. Loyal since day 1.

Touring Week

Hello all! I am now on touring week. Its basically a week off of school between j-term and spring semester. Sorry I got lazy and didn't update. But here ya go!

I spent most of my Monday watching Friends. Then went spinning with mother. It was rough. Then I went to KN's house to hang out with her cause she is home this week too. It was good catching up with her. On my way there I stopped at the Arts Center to visit PH. I love the arts center.

Went to Avatar again. Again. Seen it 3 times now. Yay me! It was still good.

Back in Tonka for touring break. HR came over for a bit and we just did some catching up. He found this pot quite amusing.

GIRLS NIGHT! Most people had gone home by now so those of us left had a girls night, ate good food, and watched Friends then had a sleepover in HK's room. None of us wanted to be in a picture since we were all in sweats and not in a good place for pictures, so here was the set up of the evening.

Thursday night was our section party. Some of us first went to the Forensics showcase. We have an AMAZING speech team. For movie night we watched Just Friends and munched on some frost your owns and chips and guac from Chipotle. SO GOOD. Here is SF and EAR (who was working on her knitting).


Wednesday, January 27, 2010

look what I can do

As CS and I were getting ready to go to Lund tonight, HK started running around doing acrobatic tricks. I didn't have a camera, so I had to use my phone. Someday I'll get a more exciting picture up. Promise. Especially since I have 45 days left. WEIRD. p.s. I also feel weird not having a partner on this project anymore (ahem... PH...) so I'm alone for the home stretch. Lame. But awesome that I'm gonna make it.

Poster x 13

Good news is they liked my poster. YAY! The bad news... I had to spend an extra 6 hours working on it cause Amy (the director) didn't like my original color scheme. So here are all the posters I made. They are all different in some way. There are 13 of them. And these are only the printed ones. I have more on the computer. My eyes started to bleed (not really... but they wanted to).

Monday, January 25, 2010


Ok... I finally cooled off. Probably due to the wind today.

Here is where I post up during class. My poster design is on the computer. You can kind of see it. I'm happy with it. WINDIEST DAY EVER. Seriously. I have never experienced such wind. We (Gustavus) was even featured on fox 9 news because of it. Crazy!

Here is us... pre-game. Fricken game. We watched it in the caf. The caf was SILENT for about 5 minutes after the game. Just SILENT. It was sad.


Sunday, January 24, 2010


Not pleased. Just not pleased.

I'll post tomorrow.

Saturday, January 23, 2010


We had a chill night doing crafts. CS made valentines, I worked on my posters for class, and AP did her knitting (she is making mittens. They are epic). I'm exhausted. And I still have wings on my back from last night... fricken costume

Vancouver 2010: GAC style

I found myself at a theatre party Friday evening. It was an olympic themed party. I suggested to some people to go as a quidditch team and thats what we did. I was a golden snitch. It was actually quite epic. Other costumes: Russian rowing team, Apollo Anton Ohno, Shawn Johnson, a ping-pong table, figure skater, you get the idea. Anyway, these five people showed up as the Olympic rings. They are dancing in this picture (as you can see), but they posed as the rings earlier. I just liked this picture more. I love theatre. Thats all.

BONUS!! Voila, Quidditch team.