Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Well I had quite the busy day. I started with a 3.5 hour shift at work. Then I went from there to see CP and say bye to her before she takes off for Bemidji State tomorrow morning. It was fun to see her again. Then I drove in the pouring rain (which was awesome) to my PIC's house where I helped him fill out his common app for schools and just hung out there before he jets off tomorrow. After I ran -or drove- to pick up DN. We went up to National Camera to check something then we went to Ridgedale where we did some unnecessary (but awesome) shopping and then we made me a bear to take to school next year. Except he is a moose... not a bear. So meet my moose, Tonka D.P. Moosejaw. Lets explain the name. Tonka (hometown, duh) D. (DN, helped me make him) P. (PIC, he asked it to be named after him. this is as close as he gets) Moosejaw (BEST COMPANY EVER). Then I hung with DN more at my house, played around with my new blue filter for my camera (!!) then I drove her home and ran to JF's to pick up a copy of a movie he made and I finished the night watching both the normal version and the commentary version. It was kinda epic. Can't lie.


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