Thursday, August 20, 2009

Every little thing.

Ok, first of all... Em, you are the BEST cousin EVER. No lie. Thanks to her I had tickets to the Jason Mraz concert tonight and it may have been the most epic thing ever. I went with JL and hanging out with her in the first place was a lot of fun. But the concert, oh man. It was basically one big party. It was totally laid back and a very "every little thing will be alright" type of concert. In fact I'm pretty sure I lost my voice shouting that phrase so much. Then, Jason dedicated this one song to a couple there and he pulled them up on stage to dance while he was singing and the guy PROPOSED! It was adorable. And after that the whole night got even more fun. I loved the night. So much. I have come to appreciate Jason as an artist so much more. The guy is a musical genius. Legit. Legendary night.


1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you had such a great time! I have about 10 people on my facebook homepage who have a status about the concert! Love you! xo
