Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Yup, thats been me these past 2 days... oops. Here are the pictures you've been waiting for.

Well today during my super long shift I started making a calendar of the last two weeks I'm here. So, voila. Let me just say, I redid it so its more organized and some things have moved around and things have been added and its just crazy. Let me tell you. After work I went to Post Grad with KN. It was good. We both liked it. Then I went over to JF's house to chill on the boat for the last time this summer. (J leaves on Wednesday for school). Two Minnetonka theatre alum legends were there including Zac Barnett whos band is now touring. In fact they opened for Panic at the Disco this summer. Crazy!

I had another work party Sunday night. It was a TON of fun. We always have fun when we hang out. So here is KB basically body slamming LK. Oh what fun. We then proceeded to watch 17 Again and drool over Zac Efron like little girls. It was awesome.

Again... lame pictures. One of these days I really will get an artsy cool looking picture up. One of these days...

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