Sunday, April 5, 2009

End of SPRING break

This is what I woke up to this morning. The last day of spring (yes, SPRING) break and there was a good layer of snow on the ground. In this picture, the snow is starting to melt (I took it on my way to work around noon) but it wasn't melting when I woke up... Though, it was gone by the time I got off work at 5. So I can't complain much. And the weather is supposed to get better around the end of the week (50's =] ) Fingers crossed it actually stays that warm this time. Doesn't the saying go April showers bring may flowers. I always thought showers meant RAIN, not snow...


p.s. an explanation on yesterdays photo... I was wrapped up in Grey's Anatomy (I'm newly addicted) and I really didn't want to break to take a picture. Hence the... photo. Now that I'm done posting... back to Grey's. =]

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