Tuesday, April 21, 2009

It's late...

I am now officially starting to feel the effects of tech week... wow. Its almost 11 and I still have a lot to do before I get to bed. ick.

To make up for yesterday...

This would be the typical actor tech shot. hair done. numerous items in hand prepping for the LONG week. =]


At lunch today we took previously mentioned left behind camera and did a "photo shoot" outside. It was SUPER nice out, but it was a little chilly. Anyway, this is one of about 100 pictures we took.

I took some shots on a film camera while I went out sailing last friday and I wanted to use them as a picture of the day but I couldn't since the day I took them was about 5 days ago now. But I like them a lot so here are a few of the pictures I took that day. Bonus pictures! WOO!

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