Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Gettin Closer...

Once again, my picture today comes from practice. When we don't close the blinds in the Black Box the sun shines through insanely bright. Sometimes its annoying, but we haven't seen the sun (the WARM sun) in a long time so we all liked it. It also made a sweet effect if people were positioned right while they were rehearsing. There was one shot that was WAY cooler than this, but I didn't have my camera out so I missed it. But this one was kinda cool too. Tech starts this weekend which means I am about to enter the most stressful week of my life. But I'm excited. =]


p.s. This is also an annoyingly blurry picture. Sorry. I need a camera with a faster shutter speed... sometimes the point and shoot doesn't always cut it.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a new camera is looming on the horizon...
