Friday, July 24, 2009

Big Island

I went to a party out on Big Island yesterday and I had a ton of fun. We played some soccer then had a game of badminton (JA and SK are featured in this picture). There were a TON of people there. I was originally going to post a picture of SB and I but none of them were worthy enough to post. But here is our story of the evening. So we went out kayaking because we wanted to go swimming. But once we were out we decided it would be hard to get back in the kayaks so we just splashed each other with the oars. While S was trying to splash me she ended up tipping over so I went over to help her get back in and she just flipped my kayak over. We then spent a good probably 7 minutes or so trying to get back in the kayaks. It was a good time. And someone was running around with my camera last night cause when I uploaded my pictures I had a whole bunch of pictures that I didn't take...


p.s. sorry this is late. I didn't get home till 1 last night from the island and I was exhausted when I got home so I just went to bed.

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