Thursday, July 9, 2009


I turned 18 yesterday. WOO!! But I was so tired yesterday I didn't post. So here is today and yesterday.

Today my dad and I went to the Titanic Exhibit at the science museum. I was planning on having a sweet picture of the part of the ship they have in the exhibit, but cameras weren't allowed. I went to the exhibit when it was here about 10 years ago and I thought that was WAY cooler, but this one was still fun to see. I love stuff about the Titanic.

Day of birth. 18 years later. Yesterday I went on an 11 mile walk. Hung out with SK. The fam (plus SK) went to Olive Garden for dinner, then we came back home and I had a group of people over for a bonfire. It was a decently fun day.

Now I must get back to packing. I'm off to my cabin for the weekend with DN, HR, and my PIC. I shall post the weekend pictures come Sunday or Monday.


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