Sunday, July 12, 2009

epic cabin weekend

As I said before, I went up to the cabin with DN, HR, and my PIC this weekend and we had an EPIC time. So here is the recap.

Tubing got pretty intense. We went from just tubing, to figuring out how to get some serious air, to jumping over each others tubes, to attempting barrel rolls. It was crazy. So here is H, mid attempt at a barrel roll. (He didn't land it.)

Explosives. Give my PIC any form of an explosive and he will turn into a kid at christmas. We had a night of fireworks at a bonfire we had the first night we were there, which then carried into the second and third day/night. (my ears may still be ringing... I'm not sure). Anyway here is my PIC launching one of his contraptions he built.

Each year, my brother and MC build a crazy sandcastle. Like, take up half the beach, sand city/castle/fortress/thing. They get insane. This year H decided he wanted to help. But I'm pretty sure what he made was covered up by what they were building...

I gotta work in the morning. I'm out.

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