Friday, July 31, 2009

Dorm shopping.

Yesterday in all my shopping escapades I got bedding for my dorm room. Let me tell you, shopping for bedding isn't as easy as one would hope. Anyway, this is what I got. It's navy blue sheets/duvet. Then I got a "decorative tapestry" that I want to sew onto the duvet. I'm not sure if I like the idea or not yet... so I'm gonna see if I can find a better option. But we'll see. At least I have something to cover my bed now. =]


p.s. kinda boring, sorry. I didn't take a picture yet today and I probably won't take one later today. Its been a chill day. Hung with SB this morning, lunch with SK, work then hangin' with the PIC tonight. Peace out all.

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