Thursday, July 2, 2009

The never ending adventure

Today started early. 3:40. AM. My partner in crime and I went to watch the sunrise and take some pictures. Sadly, it was cloudy, so we didn't get any good ones. But we explored Hollywood, MN. I never knew there was such a place. We then both crashed at my house until I had to get to work. At work we played our new game "hide the gecko' it kept us entertained for a good 3 hours. Post work I went to look at the D40 (!!!!) and then went over to JF's house to go out on his boat. After wake surfing sessions JF, JG, AK and I all went star gazing. It really was an adventure all day. Here is a pic of AH surfing. He is GOOD. And now that I have been up almost 24 hours I'm going to bed...


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