Wednesday, June 10, 2009

On the lake.

I spent my first official day of summer hanging out with DH, DN, HR, SB, and my partner in crime boating around Lake Tonka. We had a great time. We all went to PH's house. Watched Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Then went over to the club to go out on DH's boat. We ended up beaching at Goose Island and we walked through the very small woods to a beach and had fun skipping rocks. I honestly had no idea what picture to post today. I didn't love any of them, but I had a lot of good ones that were postable. Kinda... So this is what I chose. Here is PH DH and SB skipping rocks. And now I'm going to bed... I am running on 2 hours of sleep (senior party recap: held at lifetime. SO MUCH FUN. bused back to the school for a hypnotist then home around 6. Best party ever)


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