Saturday, June 13, 2009

Round 2

Grad parties started up again today. I attended 4 of the possible 12 or something that I was invited to. (I'm starting to get sick of them... kinda) But I had a lot of fun today. I first went to LW's then to NS's (there were SNOW CONES!) then to SK's and finally I ended up at JF's. Which is where my picture came from. Again, camera phone... But they have one of the nicest houses ever. And a great backyard for parties. Which is why I decided to show it off. So here are the festivities going down at JF's. They had a pig roast. With an entire pig. It was intense. Spotlight tomorrow. =] I'll be downtown all day. I'm pumped.


p.s. RIP Caesar. =[

1 comment:

  1. luved the "picture review"...the reflection in front and the two towers left to balance the two peps right.! Fun!
