Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day

Another gorgeous day here in Tonka-town. I slept in, again, then went for a 10 mile walk this morning. It was amazing. The trail was so busy, and dusty. I got super tired half way through. I have no idea how I managed to do the 3-day last year. While walking I got a text saying LW's pools was open, so I picked up my pace to get to the pool faster and this is where the picture for today was taken. I kinda went off the idea I had of the beach picture. I think I liked that one better, this one has too much going on in the background so you can't really see LW jumping. But its all good. It got cloudy when we were swimming, and it got cold too. So we got out and had hot chocolate. Cause we are cool. Then I came home and took a nap. I decided I should post before I start all my homework. (Shouldn't teachers realize kids don't do homework when its nice out? Therefore we shouldn't have any when its nice out...) 8 more school days!


p.s. happy memorial day

1 comment:

  1. I like it :)
    but we have to try the whole thing again when the sun decides to stay out!!! haha
