Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Charades en Francais

Because it is AP week, we tend to lose about half of the kids in each of our classes. Well, my french class only has 9 people in it on a normal day. We were only missing one person today though so we had a class of 8. We were supposed to be working on our fairy tale stories that we are writing, but p2 (hour 2, the other french 4X class) got to play a game so we talked Pierre (our teacher... from France) into letting us play too. The game is charades, the french style. You get names of famous people and one minute to have your team solve as many as they can within that minute. You have to describe people in french, though by the end we all end up describing people in english. It's a lot of fun. I kinda love french class. Also, to explain the team names. I was on team AMAZ. L, who sits behind me in class, and I came up with our own verb, amazer--to amaze, even though there is an actual translation for that verb we liked ours better. and probs was the other team because we had about a 5 minute discussion on abbreviations at the start of class today and so they made their team name probs cause they were "probs" gonna win... and they did.

Au revoir

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