Saturday, May 23, 2009

Cleaning day

Today was cleaning day at the cabin. A grand total of 7 of us cleaned all the logs in the cabin, vacuumed, mowed the lawn, cleaned up the yard, uncovered the boat, washed all the dishes, uncovered all the furniture, washed the dock, etc. It was a busy busy day, but it was awesome. I LOVE the cabin. I even got some "nap" time in. But that resulted in a back that looks like a tomato. And it hurts too... grr... oh well. The cabin is clean and ready for the summer season. =] I can't wait to get up there and actually put the boat in, go tubing, go swimming, and the like. Now I'm off to eat pasta and watch movies. A chance to breathe after a busy day. Here is a picture of the clean dock!! (it was still wet, hence the reflection)


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