Sunday, May 24, 2009

The Perfect Day

Today may have been the best day of the year. I slept in for the first time in I don't know how long. Then I just chilled around the house relaxing. Then I went out to lunch with a friend I haven't seen in forever. I went to my bro's baseball game right after that. They won. Then I came back home and washed my car. It was DIRRTTTYYYY, but now it is clean and pretty. =] THEN I watched the preview of the show Glee. Its hilarious. And amazing. And it has pretty people in it. And people who can sing pretty. You should check it out. ( Then I went to JL's boat and chilled for a while. Then we got a call to play frisbee in Excel so we took off running and played there for a while. Then found out a manhunt game was going on later tonight so we ran to our houses, changed, and headed back to Excel for the most epic game of manhunt ever. I had SO much fun. And I got to hang out with some people I haven't seen and people I've never even met, and they were all super cool. I even got ice cream out of the deal. =] On my way home I realized I didn't have a picture, so here is a fountain I pass almost every day driving to and or from Excel. Goodness, sometimes I just love life. It really was the perfect day. I couldn't have planned something that awesome if I tried.
